William J. Burke: Agricultural & Food Policy Consulting

Research & Publications
Peer-reviewed articles, chapters & reports
Ricker-Gilbert, J., M. Mallory, O. Ogunbayo, O. Akano, J. Goeb, W.J. Burke, T.S. Jayne, et al. 2024. Causes and Consequences of the 2021/22 Fertilizer Price Spike on sub-Saharan Africa. Lessons Learned and Implications for Future Action. Sustain Africa Report, September 4, 2024.
Burke, W.J., S.N. Morgan, T. Namonje, M. Muyanga, N.M. Mason. 2023. Beyond the “Inverse Relationship”: Area Mismeasurement May Affect Actual Productivity, Not Just How We Understand It. Agricultural Economics, 54, 557-569.
Khonje, M.G., C. Nyondo, J.H. Mangisoni, J. Ricker-Gilbert, W.J. Burke, W. Chadza and M. Muyanga. 2022. Does Subsidizing Legume Seeds Improve Farm Productivity and Nutrition in Malawi? Food Policy 113 (November 2022) 102308.
Burke, W.J., S.S. Snapp, B. Peter, and T.S. Jayne. 2022. Sustainable Intensification in Jeopardy: Transdisciplinary Evidence from Malawi. Science of the Total Environment 837 (1 September 2022) 155758.
Khonje, M.G., C. Nyondo, L. Chilora, J.H. Mangisoni, J. Ricker-Gilbert and W.J. Burke. 2022. Exploring Adoption Effects of Subsidies and Soil Fertility Management in Malawi. Journal of Agricultural Economics 73 (3) 874-892.
Burke, W.J., T.S. Jayne and S.S. Snapp. 2022. Nitrogen Efficiency by Soil Quality and Management Regimes on Malawi Farms: Can Fertilizer Use Remain Profitable? World Development 152, 105792.
Khonje, M., M. Fregene, A. Toda and W.J. Burke. 2021. The Codependence Between Nutrition, Resilience and Sustainable Food Systems. In T.S. Jayne, L. Traub K. Urama and L. Fox (eds), The 2021 Annual Agricultural Sector Review. Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. Lilongwe.
Sakala, I.C., T.H. Kalinda, C. Knonde and W.J. Burke. 2021. Adoption of Ox-drawn Minimum Tillage Ripping by Smallholder Farmers in Zambia. Agrekon 60(3), pp.335-351.
Burke, W.J. and T.S. Jayne. 2021. Disparate access to quality land and fertilizers explain Malawi’s gender yield gap. Food Policy 100: 102002.
Burke, W.J., S.S. Snapp and T.S. Jayne. 2020. An in-depth examination of maize yield response to fertilizer in Central Malawi reveals low profits and too many weeds. Agricultural Economics 51 (6): 923-940.
Burke, W.J., T.S. Jayne and N.J. Sitko. 2020. Do Medium-scale Farms Improve Market Access Conditions for Zambian Smallholders? The Journal of Agricultural Economics 71 (2): 517-533.
Burke, W.J., E. Frossard S. Kabwe, and T.S. Jayne. 2019. Understanding Fertilizer Effectiveness and Adoption on Maize in Zambia. Food Policy 86 (2019) 101721.
Burke, W.J. 2019. Evidence Against Imposing Restrictions on Hurdle Models as a Test for Simultaneous vs. Sequential Decision Making. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 101 (5): 1473-1481.
Burke, W.J., S. Li and D. Banda. 2018. Female Access to Fertile Land and Other Inputs in Zambia: Why Women Get Lower Yields. Agriculture and Human Values 35: 761-775.
Jayne, T.S., N.M. Mason, W.J. Burke and J. Ariga. 2018. Taking Stock of Africa's Second-Generation Agricultural Input Subsidy Programs. Food Policy 75: 1-14.
Sitko, N.J., W.J. Burke and T.S. Jayne. 2018. The Quiet Rise of Large-Scale Trading Firms in East and Southern Africa. Journal of Development Studies 54 (5) 895-914.
Burke, W.J., T.S. Jayne and J.R. Black 2017. Factors Explaining the Low and Variable Profitability of Fertilizer Application to Maize in Zambia. Agricultural Economics 48 (1): 115-126.
Burke, W.J., R.J. Myers and T.S. Jayne. 2015. A Triple-Hurdle Model of Production and Market Participation in Kenya’s Dairy Market. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97 (4): 1227-1246.
Burke, W.J. and R.J. Myers. 2014. Spatial Equilibrium and Price Transmission Between Southern African Maize Markets Connected by Informal Trade. Food Policy 49: 59-70.
Burke, W.J. and T.S. Jayne. 2013. Smallholder Land Ownership in Kenya: Distribution Between Households and Through Time. Agricultural Economics 45: 185-198.
Muyanga, M., T.S. Jayne and W.J. Burke. 2013. Pathways Into and Out of Poverty: A Study of Determinants of Rural Household Wealth Dynamics in Kenya. Journal of Development Studies 49(10): 1358-1374.
Xu, Z., W.J. Burke, T.S. Jayne and J. Govereh. 2009. Do Input Subsidy Programs ‘Crowd in’ or ‘Crowd out’ Commercial Market Development? Modeling Fertilizer Demand in a Two-Channel Marketing System. Agricultural Economics 40(1): 79-94.
Burke, W. J. 2009. Fitting and Interpreting Cragg’s Tobit Alternative Using Stata. Stata Journal 9(4): 584-592.
Working Papers
Munthali, M.G., L. Chilora, M. Goliath, W.J. Burke, M.E. Benbow, J. Kang’ombe and A. Safalaoh. 2023. The Economic Cost-benefit Analysis of Black Soldier Fly as an Alternative Animal and Fish Feed Ingredient in Malawi. MwAPATA Institute Working Paper 23/01, Lilongwe, Malawi.
Gondwe, A, B. Nankwenya, T.S. Jayne, W.J. Burke, M. Muyanga, W. Chadza & L. Chiwaula. 2022. The Potential for Mega-Farms to Transform Malawian Agriculture. MwAPATA Institute Working Paper No. 22/01. Lilongwe, Malawi.
Chadza, W., W.J. Burke, T.S., Jayne and M. Muyanga. 2022. How Russia's Invasion of Ukraine will Affect the Food Security Situation in Malawi: Implications for Malawian Policy Response. MwAPATA Institute Policy Brief No. 18, Lilongwe.
Nyondo, C.J., W.J. Burke, M. Muyanga and W. Chadza. 2022. Redesigning the Affordable Inputs Program to Diversify and Sustain Growth. MwAPATA Institute Policy Brief No. 14, Lilongwe
Burke, W.J., S.S. Snapp, B.G. Peter and T.S. Jayne. 2021. "Sustainable Intensification in Jeopardy: Transdisciplinary Evidence from Malawi". MwAPATA Institute Working Paper No. 21/07. Lilongwe, Malawi.
Nyondo, C., Z.B. Nyirenda, W.J. Burke and M. Muyanga. 2021. “The Inorganic Fertilizer Price Surge in 2021: Key Drivers and Policy Options.” MwAPATA Institute Policy Brief No. 11, Lilongwe.
Khonje, M., C. Nyondo, L. Chilora, J.H. Mangisoni, J. Ricker-Gilbert, W.J. Burke, W. Chadza and M. Muyanga. 2021 “Does Subsidizing Legume Seeds Improve Farm Productivity and Nutrition in Malawi?” MwAPATA Institute Working Paper 21/06, Lilongwe.
Khonje, M., C. Nyondo, L. Chilora, J.H. Mangisoni, J. Ricker-Gilbert and W.J. Burke. 2021 “Exploring Adoption Effects of Subsidies and Soil Fertility Management in Malawi.” MwAPATA Institute Policy Brief No. 8, Lilongwe.
Nyondo, C., M. Khonje, J. Mangisoni, W.J. Burke, J. Ricker-Gilbert and L. Chilora. 2021 “Lessons Learnt: Promises, Achievements, Shortcomings and Pitfalls of Inputs Subsidy Programs in Malawi.” MwAPATA Institute Working Paper 21/05, Lilongwe.
Chadza, W., W.J. Burke, C. Nyondo, M. Khonje, M. Munthali, et al. 2020. “An Early Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 in Malawi.” MwAPATA Institute Working Paper 20/05, Lilongwe.
Muyanga, M., Z. Nyirenda, Y. Lifeyo and W.J. Burke. 2020. “The Future of Smallholder Farming in Malawi.” MwAPATA Institute Working Paper 20/03, Lilongwe.
Chadza, W., M. Muyanga, W.J. Burke and C. Nyondo. 2020. “Impact of COVID-19 on Agri-food Systems in Malawi: Farm Level Analysis.” MwAPATA Institute Working Paper 20/02, Lilongwe.
Mangani, R., T.S. Jayne, P. Hazell, M. Muyanga, S. Chimatiro, W.J. Burke and M. Johnson. 2020. “Agricultural Transformation in Malawi: Call to Action.” MwAPATA Institute Working Paper 20/01, Lilongwe.
Burke, W.J., S. Morgan, T. Namonje, M. Muyanga & N.M. Mason. 2019. "Beyond the 'Inverse Relationship': Area Mismeasurement Affects Actual Productivity, Not Just How We Understand It." Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research Paper 159, East Lansing: Michigan State University.
Burke, W.J., S. Morgan, T. Namonje, M. Muyanga & N.M. Mason. 2019. "Area Mismeasurement Impact on Farmers' Input Choices and Productivity." Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research Brief, East Lansing: Michigan State University.
Sitko, N.J., W.J. Burke & T.S. Jayne. 2017. "Food System Transformation and Market Evolutions: An Analysis of the Rise of Large-scale Grain Trading in Sub-Saharan Africa." Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research Paper 48, East Lansing: Michigan State University.
Burke, W.J., E. Frossard, S. Kabwe and T.S. Jayne. 2016. "Understanding fertilizer effectiveness and adoption on maize in Zambia." Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research Paper 30. East Lansing: Michigan State University.
Jayne, T.S., N. Mason, W.J. Burke and J. Ariga. 2016. "Agricultural Input Subsidy Programs in Africa: An Assessment of Recent Evidence." Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research Paper 29. East Lansing: Michigan State University.
Lubungu, M., W.J. Burke and N.J. Sitko. 2014. "Analysis of the Sunflower Value Chain in Zambia’s Eastern Province." Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute Working Paper No. 85. Lusaka, Zambia.
Lubungu, M., W.J. Burke and N.J. Sitko. 2013. "Challenges of Smallholder Soybean Production and Commercialization in Eastern Province of Zambia." Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute Policy Brief No. 62. Lusaka, Zambia.
Lubungu, M., W.J. Burke and N.J. Sitko. 2013. "Analysis of the Soya Bean Value Chain in Zambia’s Eastern Province." Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute Working Paper No. 74. Lusaka, Zambia.
Burke, W.J., T.S. Jayne and J.R. Black. 2012. "Getting More ‘Bang for the Buck’: Diversifying Subsidies Beyond Fertilizer and Policies Beyond Subsidies." FSRP Policy Synthesis No. 52. Lusaka, Zambia.
Burke, W.J., T.S. Jayne and N.J. Sitko. 2012. "Can the FISP More Effectively Achieve Food Production and Poverty Reduction Goals?" FSRP Policy Synthesis No. 51. Lusaka, Zambia.
Jayne, T.S., N. Mason, W.J. Burke A. Shipekesa, A. Chapoto and C. Kabaghe. 2011. "Mountains of Maize, Persistent Poverty." FSRP Policy Synthesis No. 48. Lusaka, Zambia.
Mason, N., W.J. Burke, A. Shipekesa and T.S. Jayne. 2011. "The 2011 Surplus in Smallholder Maize Production in Zambia: Drivers, Beneficiaries and Implications for Agricultural and Poverty Reduction Policies." FSRP Working Paper 58. Lusaka, Zambia.
Burke, W.J., M. Hichaambwa, D. Banda and T.S. Jayne. 2011. "The Cost of Producing Maize for Smallholders in Rural Zambia." FSRP Working Paper 50. Lusaka, Zambia.
Kuteya, A., S. Kabwe, M. Beaver, A. Chapoto, W.J. Burke, N. Mason and M. Weber. 2011. "Statistical Report on Categorization of Rural Cropping Households in Zambia." FSRP Working Paper 51, Lusaka, Zambia.
Burke, W.J., T.S. Jayne, and A. Chapoto. 2010. "Factors Contributing to Zambia’s 2010 Maize Bumper Harvest." FSRP Working Paper 48, Lusaka, Zambia.
Muyanga, M., T.S. Jayne, and W.J. Burke. 2010. "Pathways Into and Out of Poverty: A Study of Rural Household Wealth Dynamics in Kenya." Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development Working Paper WPS 39/2010, Egerton University, Nairobi.
Burke, W.J., and T.S. Jayne. 2008. "Spatial Disadvantages or Spatial Poverty Traps: Household Evidence from Rural Kenya." International Development Working Paper 93, Department of AFR Economics, Michigan State University (MSU) (also published in 2010 as Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Working Paper 327, Chronic Poverty Research Center).
Burke, W.J., T.S. Jayne, P. Kristjanson, and H.A. Freeman. 2007. "Factors Associated with Farm Households’ Movements Into and Out of Poverty in Kenya: The Rising Importance of Livestock." International Development Working Paper 90, Department of AFR Economics, MSU (also published as an ODI conference paper).